I stand here today in awe of our great country. We as a people have risen to new heights on this great day. In New York on the day of October 10, 2008 the voter registration deadline has concluded and a surmountable amount of American citizens have risen to the occasion of allowing their voices to be heard. My fellow Americans, when our voices come as one we will all speak volumes of unison. Unison in one word, FREEDOM! Freedom from the tyranny of foreign superpowers building nuclear weapons of mass destruction, freedom from foreign oil dependency, freedom from left wing lobbyists influencing our government for personal benefits from our hard earned tax dollars. Freedom from a country where capitalism will never be contorted for avidity. My people, we have reached a milestone however, our journey is yet not complete. Because regardless of the amount of citizens we had register to vote, those who will actually go out to Vote will be far less than those who registered. In the past two election years the number of registered voters were 10 to 15 percent higher than citizens who actually went out and voted as stated in the census.
Here is where my soliloquy stops and where my reality checks in: Although, voting is still high amongst registered voters, the fact that there are people who have registered yet did not vote disturbs me. Its similar to training for a marathon and when they day finally arrives for you to race, you don't FEEL LIKE RUNNING! Well my people I will tell you who is not ever tired of running, HATE! People who hate the fact that because of ones' skin color he or she should not be in a position of power, regardless of the fact that the person is best suited for the job. And guess what my people, that person with hate votes. And yet you may say well "My vote doesn't count because this is a democratic state anyway", or "This state has been a republican state for decades, my vote doesn't count". EVERY VOTE COUNTS and while you lay dormant in your own denial we have people with these views voting:
So you have registered, the battle is won, now my people lets win this war, GO OUT AND VOTE!
This has been a public service announcement from the people of "THE GREATER GOOD".
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