Greetings Crackheads, Dope Fiends, Glass dick oficianado's and people from the 70's. The following may offend you all in some form or another however, the truth hurts, therefore I would like for you to view the true definition of a crack head provided by the good people of urbandictionary.com:
People of any race that live to hit that nasty-ass rock. Usually real thin, dirty and smell like warm trash and/or spoiled milk, fecal matter, rotting corpses etc. Frequently bobbing, weaving, twitching and glitching. Large periodic spurts of energy. Always got something for sale or knows somebody that has just what you need. The most severe crackheads can be viewed in the wild missing standard items such as shoes, socks and teeth. If you come into contact with a crackhead it is suggested to secure all valuables and avoid any physical contact or direct contact with their breath (could cause dizziness and/or vomiting). If you lose property to a crackhead, accept the loss. If you find yourself chasing a crackhead, accept the loss .. crackheads are fast, they be gittin somewheres.. You ain't catching no crackhead...
Then Agree or Disagree in the Comments Section Whether the following people above are considered crack heads! And Whether or not a national campaign should be created with the money we get from raising the shit of cigarette prices. And Put these faces and similar faces on a ad on the middle of the highway and scare the shit out of our youth into not not taking drugs. Well Maybe not the Chappelle one, that might just make kids use drugs.
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